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LETTER: Freedom the driving force of protest

LETTER: Freedom the driving force of protest

I wish to defend the trucker’s movement as it reflects the deeply held beliefs of so many honest hard-working Canadians with no political axe to grind.
LETTER: Off-leash park will upset delicate balance of nature

LETTER: Off-leash park will upset delicate balance of nature

Resthaven Park in Sidney is an open green space with waterfront walkways and an emphasis on public leisure use. It features views and access to Shoal Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary, which was established almost a century ago in 1931. It’s enjoyed by the community, by international, and local birdwatchers, professional and amateur photographers and home to more than 40 species of marine birds as well as more than 40 species of passerine (perching) birds, many not found elsewhere in Canada.
LETTER: Ukrainians are the true freedom fighters

LETTER: Ukrainians are the true freedom fighters

Once again, the mindless fools paraded through town protesting for freedom.
LETTER: Lansdowne property a community asset

LETTER: Lansdowne property a community asset

On March 14, the Greater Victoria School Board will vote to sell precious community land at Lansdowne Middle School south campus. Once sold, this natural public space is lost forever.
LETTER: Disappearing environment

LETTER: Disappearing environment

For the past 20 years my children and I have enjoyed checking for eagles, hawks and crows in the alder grove on the south side of Metchosin Road heading into Colwood.
LETTER: Oak Bay’s infrastructure in critical state

LETTER: Oak Bay’s infrastructure in critical state

The present council has been in office for 38 months, and the municipal elections are seven months away.
LETTER: Time to get back to normal

LETTER: Time to get back to normal

Re: Grant Smith’s letter in the Feb. 24 editioin. I am so sick of the holier-than-thou attitude of the vaccinated.
LETTER: A real fight for freedom

LETTER: A real fight for freedom

To all those demonstrators waving their flags, honking their horns and shouting for freedom: My advice is go home, turn on your TV and watch what freedom is all about;
LETTER: Conflicts fueled by need for oil

LETTER: Conflicts fueled by need for oil

While watching in horror as events unfold in Ukraine, it occurs to me that there is an additional great reason to stop global warming. If we get off fossil fuels, there will be far fewer international conflicts.
LETTER: Ukraine provides new respect for freedom

LETTER: Ukraine provides new respect for freedom

The horrific and tragic events unfolding in Ukraine have jolted the world. These events have brought the people of the world together in a single, unified voice saying, stop this war.