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LETTER: Victoria council disregards law on sheltering in Beacon Hill Park

LETTER: Victoria council disregards law on sheltering in Beacon Hill Park

So Mayor Lisa Helps, Couns. Ben Isitts, Sara Potts, Shamarke Dubow, Jeremy Loveday, Marianne Alto and Charlene Thornton-Joe are disregarding the law by allowing sheltering in Beacon Hill Park.
LETTER: Permanent daylight savings time will bring dark winter mornings

LETTER: Permanent daylight savings time will bring dark winter mornings

With full-time daylight savings time (DST) looming in B.C.’s future, I wonder how people, especially those in more northern latitudes, are going to feel about waking up to a sunrise in December/January that will be an hour later than regular solar time.
OPINION: Sooke district parents respond to racially insensitive social media comments

OPINION: Sooke district parents respond to racially insensitive social media comments

Much work still needed to gain understanding of racism’s deep impacts in SD62, community
LETTER: Poem in praise of Ukraine

LETTER: Poem in praise of Ukraine

We wake to learn of new world war. It fills the news with blood and gore. Death and destruction from above. Where is that place they’re speaking of? Heaven in the sky? Smoke in our eyes? Ukraine we stand, Ukraine we stand.
LETTER: Freedom doesn’t excuse selfish behaviour

LETTER: Freedom doesn’t excuse selfish behaviour

The March 16 letter of Paul O’Brien, “Freedom is the driving force behind truckers’ protest,” raises as many issues as it claims to answer.
LETTER: Council should put Oak Bay Marina lease renewal on hold

LETTER: Council should put Oak Bay Marina lease renewal on hold

I am writing to reiterate the call from various residents, the Community Association of Oak Bay, and ReconciliACTION Oak Bay, for a halt on plans to renew the 30-year lease for the Spewhung (Turkey Head) lands and waters until there is full and meaningful engagement with the residents of Oak Bay and a respectful consultation with the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
LETTER: Public commitment to vaccinations is inspiring

LETTER: Public commitment to vaccinations is inspiring

The letter from Jennifer Jones is out of line when it refers to the “holier-than-thou attitude of the vaccinated.”
LETTER: Spewhung probably Oak Bay’s most valuable asset

LETTER: Spewhung probably Oak Bay’s most valuable asset

I am writing about the proposed consultation process around the Turkey Head property at the Oak Bay Marina also known as Spewhung by the Lekwongen-speaking people.
LETTER: Misinformation helps spread of COVID

LETTER: Misinformation helps spread of COVID

I was dismayed to read the letter you irresponsibly published recently, perhaps in some misguided attempt to “give a voice to both sides of the COVID debate.”
LETTER: Others’ actions have made you safer

LETTER: Others’ actions have made you safer

The letter from Jennifer Jones made me chuckle.