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LETTER: Public hearing filled with development proposals

LETTER: Public hearing filled with development proposals

Is it not surprising and unusual (Saanich News June 8) that there are three major development proposals in a public hearing (PH) before Saanich council on June 21?
GUEST COMMENT: Our broken system faces material and moral challenges

GUEST COMMENT: Our broken system faces material and moral challenges

There is always a simple answer to a complex problem, which is always wrong, writes Don Brown
LETTER: Wearable air conditioning

LETTER: Wearable air conditioning

Re: Sooke steps up prep for hot weather ( News , June 9)
LETTER: Council makes about-face on development

LETTER: Council makes about-face on development

We recently became aware that changes were made to the decisions regarding the designated area on the east side portion of the Cedarwood Inn site from 2.5-storey townhouses to multi-use and condos. This is of particular concern to us as we live across the road.
LETTER: MLA dodges blame for health care failures

LETTER: MLA dodges blame for health care failures

Shame on our MLA Rankin. I am under no illusion that his recent column is in response to my letter to the editor but we recognize it is just the usual political bamboozle. In his previous columns, he ignored health care as a priority and he now acknowledges his mistake and confirms it is a major issue but tells us it’s not the fault of his government.
LETTER: Bird sanctuary restrictions easy to understand

LETTER: Bird sanctuary restrictions easy to understand

It’s understandable that frustration is building for dog owners as summer approaches. What’s not understandable is anyone wondering why “such a sensitive bird sanctuary has restrictions for dogs but none for people.”
LETTER: U.S. continues to turn blind eye to cause of mass shootings

LETTER: U.S. continues to turn blind eye to cause of mass shootings

It is said that doing the same thing time after time and expecting a different outcome is an indication of insanity. Surely such is the case with respect to our southern neighbour when it comes to gun laws.
LETTER: Keating overpass headed in the wrong direction

LETTER: Keating overpass headed in the wrong direction

Re: Province promises $57.6M toward Central Saanich overpass project at Keating. The Keating Flyover Interchange was a bad idea even decades ago when the provincial government was planning to make the Pat Bay Highway into a freeway.
LETTER: Higher density needed to face challenges

LETTER: Higher density needed to face challenges

Re: the letter Sidney shouldn’t be afraid to face the future (PNR June 2).
LETTER: Human activity disturbing migratory birds

LETTER: Human activity disturbing migratory birds

How can we justify a 10-minute continuous barrage of aerial explosions (ie. fireworks) celebrating the Oak Bay Tea Party when that area is part of the migratory wildfowl-protected waterfront? All future events with loud noise and bright lights in these waterfront areas must be banned, and all waterfront properties must not be allowed to have beachfront parties or lights infringing on the beaches.