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LETTER: Regular golfers being unfairly targeted by Saanich

LETTER: Regular golfers being unfairly targeted by Saanich

Cedar Hill Golf Course has better cost recovery than other recreation facilities, writer says
LETTER: Cars essential for many seniors

LETTER: Cars essential for many seniors

This is with reference to the article “Sidney council signals support for second downtown brewery,” in the Sept. 16 issue of your paper.
LETTER: What’s the rush to replace wharf?

LETTER: What’s the rush to replace wharf?

Members of the Sidney Community Association board were present throughout the recent Beacon Wharf open house hosted by the Town of Sidney. Four members of council and an equal number of staff were present to discuss the displays. In conversations with the residents who visited, the discussions focused on specific questions which were not answered by the information boards:
LETTER: Floating wharf has additional costs under surface

LETTER: Floating wharf has additional costs under surface

Has anyone ever told Sidney council the true cost of installing this piece of floating bridge to replace the Sidney wharf? It seems it is being viewed as a permanent long-term solution.
LETTER: Province needs to pony up for protest policing costs

LETTER: Province needs to pony up for protest policing costs

City of Victoria taxpayers are unfairly picking up most of the bills for policing an increasing number of political protests at the Legislature grounds and precinct (five people arrested after liquid poured on police chief, Vic News, Sept. 18).
LETTER: CRD parks strategy needs course correction

LETTER: CRD parks strategy needs course correction

The Capital Regional District’s extensive park system of protected forest areas is crucial to the survival of our region’s biodiversity. It also plays a critical role in sequestering CO2 and this will be maximized only by maintaining the biodiversity of these forest ecosystems including the large predators which are keystone species.
LETTER: Vaccine mandate needed for CRD staff and facilities

LETTER: Vaccine mandate needed for CRD staff and facilities

Like thousands of other residents of the Capital Regional District, I am proud to claim refugee status from Vancouver, where I lived and worked for 30 years. I love my life here, and I have made many new friends who have welcomed me to the Island.
LETTER: Save the Sidney we all love

LETTER: Save the Sidney we all love

Will this council listen to the people? The Town of Sidney is proposing to remove the existing Beacon wharf and the iconic fish market and then install a 62-year-old floating pontoon, with the addition of a two-storey hotel, in its place.
LETTER: Options appear limited on Beacon wharf

LETTER: Options appear limited on Beacon wharf

The Town Talk Beacon Wharf Special Edition, while colourful and somewhat informative, should be read more than once for it has a definite bias towards one of two options. The limited number of options aside, we must first look at the slanted language. Discussion of the existing wharf includes “significant work necessary, rebuilding is not considered a viable option, rehabilitation would likely be in the millions, winter storm wave risks to life and property.
LETTER: More input needed on Sidney wharf

LETTER: More input needed on Sidney wharf

The Sidney wharf is a landmark, recognizable because of the location and the blue fish market. It is picturesque, iconic, and promotes the ambiance and enjoyment of our seaside community.