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LETTER: Tempers flare over North Saanich OCP process

LETTER: Tempers flare over North Saanich OCP process

North Saanich Coun. Murray Weisenberger should spend more of his time “engaging” with the residents of North Saanich than “enraging” them with inappropriate comments and actions.
LETTER: North Saanich doesn’t need fixing

LETTER: North Saanich doesn’t need fixing

The lengthy piece in the July 8 edition of the PNR concerning the efforts of the “Save Our North Saanich” organization merits some serious consideration by residents as well as North Saanich council.
LETTER: Students make the most of challenging school year

LETTER: Students make the most of challenging school year

This certainly wasn’t the type of normal school year we expected it to be. It has taken some time for me to reflect on my own experience since the beginning of this pandemic.
LETTER: Greenhouse gases a devastating effect on our forests

LETTER: Greenhouse gases a devastating effect on our forests

As the forest fire season gets underway, climate change and humans’ effects on our planet are becoming increasingly apparent.
LETTER: $30 million for a birthday party

LETTER: $30 million for a birthday party

This year, the provincial government will spend $30 million to celebrate B.C.’s 150th year since joining Confederation. That is a shameful amount to spend in these times for a party.
We can’t predict the next wildfire disaster – but we can plan for it

We can’t predict the next wildfire disaster – but we can plan for it

Twenty years ago, there were no national statistics on wildfire evacuations
MP REPORT: Government must fund searches for graves at residential schools

MP REPORT: Government must fund searches for graves at residential schools

By Randall Garrison
OPINION: The Village of Lytton turned to ashes in moments

OPINION: The Village of Lytton turned to ashes in moments

‘We drive by piles of ash and crumbled brick. What used to be there?’ writes Jenna Hauck
Apple’s Siri is no longer a woman by default, but is this really a win for feminism?

Apple’s Siri is no longer a woman by default, but is this really a win for feminism?

Users must now choose between two male and two female voices when enabling the voice assistant
LETTER: Gone forever is a very long time

LETTER: Gone forever is a very long time

There is no shortage of scientific research extolling the benefits of leaving old-growth forests intact. As a logger friend pointed out recently, there is also no shortage of timber to harvest in B.C.