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LETTER: Dialogue in a democracy

LETTER: Dialogue in a democracy

Re: the letters on diversity in democracy of Feb. 9 and 16.
LETTER: Swan Lake development raises host of concerns

LETTER: Swan Lake development raises host of concerns

When there are over nine hours of public appearances and reams of correspondence for a public hearing on a proposed development in the Swan Lake area, there must be a valid reason. The overwhelming majority of local residents rejected the proposal as presented.
LETTER: Students should work together to fight rising costs

LETTER: Students should work together to fight rising costs

Re: the article on UVic students struggling with food insecurity.
LETTER: Victoria taxpayers can’t afford Crystal Pool replacement

LETTER: Victoria taxpayers can’t afford Crystal Pool replacement

I agree with both recent Vic News letter writers when they say that Victoria council has to look closely at how much Victoria taxpayers are struggling with high costs and how difficult it will be to cope with the possibility of a nine per cent tax increase.
LETTER: Library closure raises concern

LETTER: Library closure raises concern

I was dismayed at the recent sudden closure of Oak Bay Library and appalled that they didn’t notify patrons by email. I had an item to pick up and went to retrieve it twice only to find a closure notice on the door.
Opinion: The Victoria ‘war on cars’ wouldn’t sting so much if BC Transit didn’t ‘suck’

Opinion: The Victoria ‘war on cars’ wouldn’t sting so much if BC Transit didn’t ‘suck’

You need amazing transit to get people out of cars - not just higher parking fees
LETTER: Local residents came to escape big-city congestion

LETTER: Local residents came to escape big-city congestion

I really took offense with Chris Campbell’s opinion column in the Feb. 9 Oak Bay News. While I agree that Victoria has a lack of missing middle housing options, the approach that Mr. Campbell has taken is very one-sided.
LETTER: Diversity of views needed

LETTER: Diversity of views needed

On Jan. 16 Mayor Peter Jones excluded Coun. Phil DiBattista from the Mayor’s Official Community Plan Advisory Committee “MOCPAC” while appointing other councillors to multiple sub-committees. Mayor Jones stated he was punishing Coun. DiBattista because he felt the councillor’s internal email of Dec. 8, 2022 was disrespectful. He noted that his views and those of Coun. DiBattista were diametrically opposed.
OFF TOPIC: Bread or cake, the rising cost of food is giving me indigestion

OFF TOPIC: Bread or cake, the rising cost of food is giving me indigestion

How do grocery chain CEOs square skyrocketing prices with massive profits?
OPINION: Eby government faces clear choice in first budget

OPINION: Eby government faces clear choice in first budget

From 1999 to 2016, British Columbia was one of the most fiscally responsible provinces in Canada