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LETTER: Hard to feel sorry for those with second homes

LETTER: Hard to feel sorry for those with second homes

Re: Speculation tax delivers blow to retired couple. We are now reading stories about the struggles some part-time members of our community are having maintaining their second home due to the addition of the property speculation tax.
LETTER: Sources in cannabis cultivation story could be better balanced

LETTER: Sources in cannabis cultivation story could be better balanced

A reader responds to part of Black Press Media’s special series on cannabis agriculture in B.C.
LETTER: City’s failure to enforce parking requirements for bikes is seriously disappointing

LETTER: City’s failure to enforce parking requirements for bikes is seriously disappointing

City’s failure to enforce parking requirements for bikes is seriously disappointing
LETTER: Money spent on McKenzie ‘monster’ could have revitalized the train

LETTER: Money spent on McKenzie ‘monster’ could have revitalized the train

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LETTER: No ‘intention to erase history’ with Ogden Point, says harbour authority

LETTER: No ‘intention to erase history’ with Ogden Point, says harbour authority

In response to the article, “ Advocates call for Victoria’s Ogden Point to keep its name ” ( we conveyed to Mr. Gunn, and requested his clarification to his followers, that his video contained errors which are resolved by understanding the structure of our organization.
LETTER: Death of deer was preventable

LETTER: Death of deer was preventable

Reader says speedy drivers the reason deer killed on residential street
LETTER: Ping pong table a drop in the funding bucket

LETTER: Ping pong table a drop in the funding bucket

Re: Taxpayers question cost of new public ping pong table in Humboldt Plaza . Stan Bartlett and his cultish organization worry and complain about funding ping pong tables in a public space.
LETTER: Parking woes damage tourism industry

LETTER: Parking woes damage tourism industry

Re: Let’s change the conversation about parking . I disagree with the need to restrict downtown parking.
LETTER: Marijuana legalization just another tax grab

LETTER: Marijuana legalization just another tax grab

Re: Marijuana’s risks don’t belong in Sidney . I am in complete agreement with Sue Pazder’s letter. I believe her argument is sound and clearly reveals an understanding of the problem far beyond most of the citizenry.
LETTER: Bicycles a part of daily life

LETTER: Bicycles a part of daily life

Re: Bike lanes hurt businesses . Opinions that start with “people generally” are usually just that, opinions.