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LETTER: Suzuki spews falsehoods on climate change

LETTER: Suzuki spews falsehoods on climate change

I read with interest the article written by David Suzuki in the Dec. 12 edition of The Saanich News . I noted several exaggerations and untruths in what he writes.
LETTER: Cyclists need to take responsibility and wear a helmet

LETTER: Cyclists need to take responsibility and wear a helmet

I came across the article about the cyclist who wasn’t wearing a helmet when hit by a vehicle .
LETTER: Imaginative solutions needed to fight climate change

LETTER: Imaginative solutions needed to fight climate change

As reports this year continue to show that we are moving into a climate unfavourable to human civilization , we need to pressure our elected officials to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies in B.C. and put pressure on Trudeau to live up to his broken election promise to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies nationally.
LETTER: Every little bit helps with climate change

LETTER: Every little bit helps with climate change

Firstly I must admit I have long agreed with the adage coined by my old friend, the late Jim Munro, “The climate is always changing – it’s called weather”. Also, like Jim, I am also old enough to remember that it was not that long ago that climate scientists warned us not of global warming but of the imminent threat of another ice age.
LETTER: Don’t let the Grinches at Victoria City Hall steal your Christmas

LETTER: Don’t let the Grinches at Victoria City Hall steal your Christmas

I am very concerned about the city of Victoria and their decision to pass a motion to look at altering spending for Christmas decorations. o stop caroling and wishing people Merry Christmas.
LETTER: Investing in the film industry is smart for Greater Victoria

LETTER: Investing in the film industry is smart for Greater Victoria

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LETTER: Rising minimum wage not good for the working person

LETTER: Rising minimum wage not good for the working person

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LETTER: Greater Victoria cyclists face danger from pedestrians too

LETTER: Greater Victoria cyclists face danger from pedestrians too

Cyclists face the wrath of pedestrians and drivers everyday.
LETTER: Greater Victoria’s bus priority lanes add to the communte and take from the wallet

LETTER: Greater Victoria’s bus priority lanes add to the communte and take from the wallet

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LETTER: Capital Regional District needs to see trees as an invaluable resources

LETTER: Capital Regional District needs to see trees as an invaluable resources

We are grateful to hear that the CRD and Saanich now believe they won’t need to cut down up to 50 trees on Grange Road in Saanich, in order to construct a residual solids conveyance line to the Hartland Landfill.