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LETTER: Proportional Representation will bring collaboration between political parties

LETTER: Proportional Representation will bring collaboration between political parties

During the electoral referendum in B.C. , there is a very heavily funded campaign funded by big business and largely by the B.C. liberals to scare citizens into voting against changing from First Past the Post, our current system, to Proportional Representation. The tactics being used are patronizing to citizens, constantly trying to convince us that we are incapable of understanding how Pro Rep works.
LETTER: Time for fair voting

LETTER: Time for fair voting

We’ve been hearing the pros and cons of proportional representation for a few weeks now. Although it may seem confusing to some, it really boils down to one thing – do you want your vote to count?
LETTER: Crystal Pool needs a new name

LETTER: Crystal Pool needs a new name

In light of Coun. Ben Isitt stating that the city “made a fundamental error” regarding the site selection process for the new Crystal Pool, and that the new pool project is a “pig” that council is trying to put lipstick on by linking it to another project near Royal Athletic Park, it may be an appropriate time to think of a new name for the 69.4 million dollar pool facility.
LETTER: First Past the Post may not be perfect, but it’s the best we have

LETTER: First Past the Post may not be perfect, but it’s the best we have

When the idea of proportional representation was first proposed I thought it appealing and with some merit. Since then, and given the present proposal, I have completely reversed my opinion for several compelling reasons. I list three of them here.
LETTER: Transit will suffer until province completes bus lanes

LETTER: Transit will suffer until province completes bus lanes

The provincial government must quickly complete the shoulder bus lanes from McKenzie to the 6 Mile area, in both directions.
LETTER: Cyclists hold the right of way in certain crosswalks

LETTER: Cyclists hold the right of way in certain crosswalks

I am a cyclist in my late 70s and am frequently cycling on the Lochside and Galloping Goose trails.
LETTER: Voting Pro Rep will allow all of our voices to be heard

LETTER: Voting Pro Rep will allow all of our voices to be heard

Why should we continue with this elitist winner-take-all nonsense when we can try (for two election cycles) a different way to elect our government representatives?
LETTER: Fear mongering tactics are being used by FPTP side

LETTER: Fear mongering tactics are being used by FPTP side

With respect to the referendum on changing the voting system in B.C. to a version of Proportional Representation or of retaining First Past the Post, the main force rejecting PR has been desperately spending millions of dollars on fear mongering advertisements.
LETTER: Pitbull in attack gave his life for human ignorance

LETTER: Pitbull in attack gave his life for human ignorance

While it is unfortunate there are bite wounds which will heal, it is clear from the report that Rex was not at fault – the humans were. As the owner Kyla points out, Rex was a docile animal and once he was taken to the animal shelter he calmed down. Apparently, she pleaded with the authorities not to kill him since he was not to blame.
LETTER: Developers contribute to the affordable housing problem

LETTER: Developers contribute to the affordable housing problem

Developers just told Victoria council that requiring 10 to 15 per cent affordable housing in developments would grind development to a stop. Who knew that all you had to do to stop the developers from running wild in your community was require 10 to 15 per cent affordable units in their development of high-end units for the very wealthy?