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LETTER: Oak Bay a scapegoat for housing crisis

LETTER: Oak Bay a scapegoat for housing crisis

The minister of housing recently tried to make an example out of Oak Bay, over the so-called “housing crisis,” which is absurd. Blaming/singling out a small municipality for a national “housing crisis” is mere scapegoating, without addressing the roots of the problem, including the elephant in the room: Canada’s artificially increasing population, based on federal government policy.
LETTER: Oak Bay doesn’t need more condos

LETTER: Oak Bay doesn’t need more condos

The decision by Oak Bay council to reject the Quest development’s 14-suite condo building was the right decision.
LETTER: People being outsmarted by their pets

LETTER: People being outsmarted by their pets

Many years ago, my grandfather said that if you were going to have a dog, you first had to demonstrate that you were smarter than the dog and train it, otherwise the dog will train you and it will become a total nuisance and in extreme cases, dangerous. Except for short periods, I have had a dog all my life and kept that advice in mind. I believe most dog owners do a commendable job of training and keeping their dogs under control.
LETTER: Sidney leaving plans for growth up to developers

LETTER: Sidney leaving plans for growth up to developers

In Sidney’s draft OCP, town planners said they recognized that Sidney residents want gentle, planned growth. And planners have only forecasted an increase in Sidney’s population of about 100 persons annually. That would require fewer than 50 additional homes each year if Sidney can attract families with children, its stated goal.
LETTER: Sidney waters need protection

LETTER: Sidney waters need protection

I am responding to the invitation to comment on the updating of Sidney’s OCP (Town Talk March 2022).
LETTER: SD61 budget cuts will hurt kids most in need

LETTER: SD61 budget cuts will hurt kids most in need

I’m writing to urge SD 61 to reconsider the proposed budget cuts to school music programs, counsellors, and career coordinators.
LETTER: Vaccinations are a ‘we’ thing

LETTER: Vaccinations are a ‘we’ thing

It’s getting tiresome to read another letter from the likes of S. Gallagher that still get facts wrong, or miss the bigger picture regarding vaccines.
LETTER: Langford must find a balance with development

LETTER: Langford must find a balance with development

It’s time to balance our priorities in Langford and become more community focused. I commend our mayor and council for building Langford into what it is today, but being the fastest growing city in B.C. comes with responsibilities to current and future residents.
LETTER: Sidney is paving paradise

LETTER: Sidney is paving paradise

A reflection on Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell brings to mind: “You paved paradise and put up a parking lot.”
LETTER: Monterey Rec staff on the ball

LETTER: Monterey Rec staff on the ball

As a member of Oak Bay’s Monterey Recreation Centre, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Monterey coordinator, Lesley Cobus, and her staff for the exemplary, flexible manner in which they have helped to maintain the sanity of the Table Tennis Club during COVID while adhering strictly to the guidelines issued by the B.C. Ministry of Health.