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LETTER: Neighbour’s clearing of storm drains appreciated

LETTER: Neighbour’s clearing of storm drains appreciated

I would like to thank the gentleman who went along Mowat Street clearing the storm drains of leaves on Monday morning. It shows there are a lot of good people still around looking after neighbors.
LETTER: Saan Pen Hospital staff provided compassionate care in final days

LETTER: Saan Pen Hospital staff provided compassionate care in final days

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the emergency staff at Saanich Peninsula Hospital who helped to support Bruce Williams in October. Your professional presence and compassionate care were extraordinary. Thank you for providing him with such a gentle journey in his final days.
LETTER: Oak Bay police shouldn’t delay switch to electric vehicles

LETTER: Oak Bay police shouldn’t delay switch to electric vehicles

I would like to comment on the article of Nov. 4 “Police board approves electric bikes for patrol.” The writer more correctly could have titled the same article “Police board turns its back on climate concerns.”
LETTER: Working together to eliminate gender-based violence

LETTER: Working together to eliminate gender-based violence

Nov. 25 marks the launch of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence that begins on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ends on Dec. 10, the International Human Rights Day. The 16 Days campaign has been used as an organizing strategy around the world since 1991 to call for elimination of all forms of gender-based violence.
LETTER: Disappointed in changing face of Sidney

LETTER: Disappointed in changing face of Sidney

Sometime in the future…
LETTER: Langford residents shut out of conversation on proposed high-rises

LETTER: Langford residents shut out of conversation on proposed high-rises

The public notice regarding the creation of a new zone in Langford didn’t mention there would be no height restrictions on buildings. Since May 2020, Langford has reached out to developers for input on details for the city centre zones that council was considering. In that year from initial staff report to public hearing, there were no requests for residents’ input through open houses, information sessions, or surveys.
LETTER: No need to borrow for wharf replacement

LETTER: No need to borrow for wharf replacement

On one hand, I am delighted about council’s decision regarding the Sidney wharf but on the other, I am frustrated that council cannot think outside the box when it comes to how to fund the inevitable replacement.
EDITORIAL: B.C.’s prescription to end opioid epidemic

EDITORIAL: B.C.’s prescription to end opioid epidemic

As the casualties continue to mount, B.C. is calling on Ottawa to help stem the tide of the greatest health crisis in the province’s history.
LETTER: Administration driving Oak Bay council’s agenda

LETTER: Administration driving Oak Bay council’s agenda

It’s time to speak up. Residents need to know that it’s time to bell the cat. I’ve watched this council’s activities and what was puzzling at the start of its term, has become a pattern of considerable concern. What’s happening? Who is driving the bus? Where is the mayor in all this? It has become clear to me that the agenda is being driven mainly by the administration, possibly in concert with others who have their own objectives.
LETTER: Ferries could carry answer to Malahat closures

LETTER: Ferries could carry answer to Malahat closures

There is a simple, cost-effective, and environmentally sound way to make travel past the Malahat more reliable. Upgrading the ferry docks at Mill Bay and Brentwood Bay to allow full-size buses to load would allow 450 people to travel on one of BC Ferries new Island Class electric ferries when the Malahat is closed. Six doubledecker buses can carry over 500 people.