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LETTER: Services available to those needing mental health and addictions support

LETTER: Services available to those needing mental health and addictions support

The holiday season is a time for celebrations, but for many, it can also be the season of loneliness, stress and difficult memories.
LETTER: Push for increased density paves way for developer profit

LETTER: Push for increased density paves way for developer profit

The recent unanimous decision to allow a single-family home on Richmond Road to be replaced with nine townhomes leaves the tinny sound of ditto echoing through the halls of Saanich municipal hall.
LETTER: Housing changes will only compound parking problems

LETTER: Housing changes will only compound parking problems

The plight of the young woman facing parking hurdles on Florence Street is just the beginning of that problem.
COLUMN: The magic of Christmas isn’t so unbelievable, is it?

COLUMN: The magic of Christmas isn’t so unbelievable, is it?

A deep adoration of Santa Claus and everything he represents has led to a life of loving Christmas
LETTER: Dangerous crossing in Sidney needs attention

LETTER: Dangerous crossing in Sidney needs attention

Something needs to be done along Canora Road in front of Mary’s Restaurant. So many times I see people crossing the road in the middle of the block, not at the crosswalk. This is dangerous for drivers and pedestrians as well as being illegal. To me, it’s a matter of time until someone gets hit, especially in the fall and winter when it’s dark earlier.
OPINION: Conserving forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems in B.C. has global impact

OPINION: Conserving forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems in B.C. has global impact

This week and next governments, scientists and conservation experts are gathering in Montreal for a global summit on nature, called COP15. There, they will set a course to end nature loss around the world and to create a nature-positive future. But what does that really mean for us, here in British Columbia?
LETTER: Welcoming newcomers with open arms

LETTER: Welcoming newcomers with open arms

Thank you for your thoughtful Nov. 24 editorial about welcoming people who choose to come to Canada. My family made that choice in 1840 when they came here from Ireland to build a better life. We have prospered for seven generations and we are very grateful.

LETTER: Grateful for kindness of stranger after fall

At about 5 p.m. on Nov. 15, at the pedestrian crossing on the south-side corner of Bevan Avenue and Fifth Street in Sidney, I had a very bad fall while crossing the road.
LETTER: Council must fully understand issues surrounding OCP

LETTER: Council must fully understand issues surrounding OCP

Re: North Saanich council tasks staff with stopping work on draft OCP.
LETTER: Oak Bay officer deserves more than a slap on the wrist

LETTER: Oak Bay officer deserves more than a slap on the wrist

I am writing in regard to the article in the Nov. 24 Oak Bay News, “Oak Bay ordered investigation into officer who napped, drank and was abusive.”