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LETTERS: Backyard gardens have a lot to offer

LETTERS: Backyard gardens have a lot to offer

Re: LETTERS: Backyard garden veggies not the answer to food security (July 2). Mr. Rossnagel seems to think that only ‘lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers’ grow in Victoria gardens.
LETTERS: Victoria needs to look at alternatives to Beacon Hill camping situation

LETTERS: Victoria needs to look at alternatives to Beacon Hill camping situation

In a recent newspaper piece, Mayor Lisa Helps tries vainly to shift the blame for her council’s ill-conceived decision to use Beacon Hill Park as a campground for the disadvantaged, on to Dr. Bonny Henry. Pathetic.
LETTERS: Masks show respect for others’ well-being

LETTERS: Masks show respect for others’ well-being

I am frustrated to see so many of our neighbours not wearing masks in public. Nor are many of us following the directional guides on the floors of our retail shops to encourage social distancing.
LETTERS: Personal responsibility being forgotten

LETTERS: Personal responsibility being forgotten

Today, we hear endless discussion of some people’s needs. Hotels are being bought with taxpayers’ money; there seems to be no end to the sympathy.
LETTER: Ghost women forced to vanish to protect their safety

LETTER: Ghost women forced to vanish to protect their safety

Around the globe, violence against women has increased with spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Sweden, a country often viewed as model of civility and justice; there are today 800 ghost women who have been assisted by society to live underground in order to protect them from their threatening and violent ex-partners.
LETTER: Puzzled by letter on climate change

LETTER: Puzzled by letter on climate change

I am puzzled by two points raised by the writer of the letter ‘Global climate change alliance pushing an agenda’ in the July 1 Saanich News.
LETTER: Colwood council disregards public

LETTER: Colwood council disregards public

How can Colwood council expect serious input when it arrogantly disregarded the will of the populace in keeping Ocean Boulevard restricted. Who do they represent?
LETTERS: Speed bumps need on Ocean Boulevard

LETTERS: Speed bumps need on Ocean Boulevard

A recent survey says 61 per cent want Ocean Boulevard open. The City of Colwood selectively uses the opinion survey results to make this claim, but declines to provide the results of only the Colwood respondents. The results are skewed by the commuters in the surrounding communities.
LETTERS: People should be wearing masks

LETTERS: People should be wearing masks

For the last several months B.C., and in particular Vancouver Island, has heralded the calm, kind and effective leadership of Dr. Bonnie Henry as we have worked hard to “bend the curve” and hold COVID-19 at bay. She is a modern folk hero.
LETTERS: ‘Implied consent’ is not a valid defence to a charge of sexual assault

LETTERS: ‘Implied consent’ is not a valid defence to a charge of sexual assault

We would like to thank writer Nina Grossman and the Oak Bay News for the important article in the July 2 issue, “Saanich woman says sexual assault was dismissed by police.”