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LETTER: Pickle ball should be for everyone

LETTER: Pickle ball should be for everyone

I have many good memories of playing tennis at Carnarvon Park. Generally, it was on a first-come, first-serve basis.
LETTER: Keep Ocean Boulevard open

LETTER: Keep Ocean Boulevard open

The City of Colwood survey on Ocean Boulevard is now closed. The City is apparently determined to close most of Ocean Boulevard across the Lagoon. Why?
LETTERS: Backyard garden veggies not the answer to food security

LETTERS: Backyard garden veggies not the answer to food security

Backyard garden veggies are not the answer to food security.
LETTER: Saanich parks no place for booze

LETTER: Saanich parks no place for booze

It is hard to believe that Saanich council is considering legal public consumption of alcohol in parks. This is a very bad idea for the following reasons:
LETTERS: Defund Victoria council, not the police

LETTERS: Defund Victoria council, not the police

I just saw the news where our councillor Ben Isitt once again makes another one of his ridiculous proposals in the defunding of the police in Victoria.
LETTER: Beacon retailers fighting for survival

LETTER: Beacon retailers fighting for survival

In the rush to find secure tenants, landlords and property owners are destroying Beacon Avenue as the retail hub of our small town.
LETTER: Seven-year-old makes plea for Langford’s forests

LETTER: Seven-year-old makes plea for Langford’s forests

Last weekend I was walking in the Garry oak stand between Florence Lake and Bear Mountain Parkway with my seven-year-old daughter. We saw flagging tape and stakes and she asked what they were. I told her they would soon be cutting down the trees to put up more development and she was very sad and asked why they keep cutting down the trees. We decided she should write a letter to Langford and thought the Goldstream Gazette was a good place to send it. Here is her letter.
LETTERS: Alcohol in Saanich parks is a bad idea

LETTERS: Alcohol in Saanich parks is a bad idea

According to the Saanich News, “Saanich council considers alcohol in parks.”
LETTERS: Victoria stepping up for pedestrians

LETTERS: Victoria stepping up for pedestrians

The City of Victoria has been trying to make more room for pedestrians and for businesses to move more of their business outdoors as they attempt to social distance.
LETTER: Saanich occupancy bylaw needs more safeguards for residents

LETTER: Saanich occupancy bylaw needs more safeguards for residents

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